Moving Time? Here’s what’s expected of you by the Movers!
Getting prepared for your move is incredibly challenging- employing the services of a professional moving company is a huge step in the right direction. Although professional movers will undoubtedly take a ton of stress off your shoulders, there are a few things to be aware of to ensure the process runs smoothly. Every mover handles the process a bit differently- here’s what to expect when working with the team at SETT Movers.
#1: Time Frames/ Deadlines
After being in the moving industry for over 10 years, we understand that dates and times get switched up without notice and it is completely beyond the customer’s control. When/if this happens to you, we will do our absolute best to work with you. We just ask that you inform us of any changes to your move as soon as you hear about them. This will give us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
Before calling to find out about your move, it is recommended that you have an idea of both your closing date and when you would like to move. Our schedule can fill up fast, especially in the summer months. We operate on a first come- first served basis, so make sure you call us as soon as you find out these dates!
#2: Payment Terms
SETT Movers charges our customers one of two ways. If your move is local (150 air miles radius or less from Bayville, NJ) we will charge you an hourly rate. This will be determined by our estimator once she has taken inventory of all of your belongings. Your preparedness is key when dealing with this option and will certainly reflect on your final bill. The second way we charge for a move is a binding rate. This is most frequently done when doing an out-of-state move.
We prefer cash but also accept money orders, certified checks, or credit cards. However, we do charge an additional fee when paying with a credit card. It is best to establish a payment method and terms with your mover prior to your move.
#3: Preparing Locations for Unpacking in New Home
One great tip that seems to be a favorite among past customers is putting anything you will need for the night of your move in a suitcase. Some items you should put in your suitcase are bedsheets, pajamas, pet needs, toothbrushes. Having these items in something you can easily recognize can help you avoid sifting through a heap of boxes at the end of your move day. Another thing you should also be sure to do when unpacking (especially in the kitchen) is bringing your boxes up to a counter or a chair so that you are not bending down to your box.
When we do your packing for you, we use a large sum of unprinted paper. Please be sure to unwrap every piece of paper you see as to not accidentally throw something away. Another thing we do when disassembling your furniture is shrink wrapping any and all hardware (such as screws, or nuts and bolts) onto the piece itself. It may not present itself very obviously, but please make sure you fully inspect your piece before discarding the shrink wrap.
#4: What Movers Should Expect at New House
We really appreciate it when our customers give us a heads up about anything that could impede our day. These things could include limited parking, access issues, or a long walk. While none of these things will necessarily make or break your move, they are certainly vital for our estimator to be aware of so she can be as accurate as possible.
Apartment moving is very unique, therefore we are going to need some extra information about your building. We will need to know if there is a loading dock in your building or if we will be required to park on the street. We will also need to know what floor you’re located on and if there is an elevator or if it is a walk-up. It is in everyone’s best interest (yours and the movers) that we fully understand the walk from the truck to the elevator (or stairs), and from them to your apartment. Another major detail we require clear information on is your building’s specific Certificate of Insurance (COI). Lastly, we will want to know if hoisting is a necessity for any of your pieces of furniture. This will help us ensure that we are prepared to perform this task.
#5: Packing
Although we are a full-service moving company and do offer packing services, it is not always the most cost-effective way to go about your move. If you are packing yourself, we ask that you pack no liquids. If you MUST pack them, please keep them in an open box so we can clearly identify that as the liquids box. If you are being moved into a storage unit, we strongly advise against packing any boxed food items.
It is also important that you use the right box for the items you are packing. For example, when packing heavy things (such as books, records, pots, etc.) we strongly prefer that you use a small box, even if it means using multiple.
#6: Identifying Items that Require Special Care
Everyone has those special items they hold close to their hearts. We want to make sure we do everything in our power to ensure their well-being, as well as yours. We suggest writing “FRAGILE” or “HANDLE WITH CARE” on your box, in very large and obvious letters. If what is inside your box needs to be upright at all times, please label your box with arrows pointing up so we do not make the mistake of putting something on its side that shouldn’t be.
Another piece of advice would be to take your valuable items, such as jewelry, and put them safely in your car. This eliminates any panic about missing your most prized possessions.
Senior or veteran discounts? Welcome and referral bonus? Huge discounts await when you move with us. Call us today to know more about our discounts.